Friday, 16 November 2007

Until then...WE SHALL EAT CAKE!!

We're at the North Pole.....FINALLY!!
I mean, we've got to the outskirts of the North Pole. Now we just have to wait until nightfall so the northern lights appear and we can jump into them!! YAY!!
I really can't wait until I meet Renee. But, the thing is, she hasn't been writing to her blog. So, that makes me she still waiting? We've taken ages. Maybe she's given up....
Gee, what a harsh thought. XDD I'm probably just being paranoid. We only need to wait until tonight, arrive in Arctica, and spend a few days trying to get to the main villages and stuff. Oh yeah, and hope that the Eraser-thingies don't catch us by then. XDDDD
Oh yeah, and did I mention that we've found the princess of the rainbow moon, Spectris? She's really nice. For the moment, she's travelling with us until she decides if she wants to join us or not. Hehe, she doesn't know what's coming! I'll just badger her with my uber-badgingy badger badgery badgering skills!
She said that her two missions are to: Find the princesses of Crystaralight and its moons, and find and get back to Spectris. Well, she's already found us...but....WAAH!! I don't want her to get back to Spectris! Not if she's going to be staying with us!
I know that sounds totally bratty and selfish, but it would be a little hurting if we just got to know her and she spread her wings and flew to Spectris all of a sudden.
Chrissie xx

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Okay, let me get one thing straight... you say your phsycic? Im not saying i dont believe that, because if you really are, then i need you as a friend to help me out with my problems. please visit my blog.