Friday 16 November 2007

Until then...WE SHALL EAT CAKE!!

We're at the North Pole.....FINALLY!!
I mean, we've got to the outskirts of the North Pole. Now we just have to wait until nightfall so the northern lights appear and we can jump into them!! YAY!!
I really can't wait until I meet Renee. But, the thing is, she hasn't been writing to her blog. So, that makes me she still waiting? We've taken ages. Maybe she's given up....
Gee, what a harsh thought. XDD I'm probably just being paranoid. We only need to wait until tonight, arrive in Arctica, and spend a few days trying to get to the main villages and stuff. Oh yeah, and hope that the Eraser-thingies don't catch us by then. XDDDD
Oh yeah, and did I mention that we've found the princess of the rainbow moon, Spectris? She's really nice. For the moment, she's travelling with us until she decides if she wants to join us or not. Hehe, she doesn't know what's coming! I'll just badger her with my uber-badgingy badger badgery badgering skills!
She said that her two missions are to: Find the princesses of Crystaralight and its moons, and find and get back to Spectris. Well, she's already found us...but....WAAH!! I don't want her to get back to Spectris! Not if she's going to be staying with us!
I know that sounds totally bratty and selfish, but it would be a little hurting if we just got to know her and she spread her wings and flew to Spectris all of a sudden.
Chrissie xx

Tuesday 13 November 2007!!

OMG OMG OMG!! I think I just found the princess of Spectris!
I was surfing blogger as usual, (in mid-air - Star is directly beside me in case I drop her laptop) and I found this cool blog. And there was this girl and she's just posted her first post. And guess what?! She's saying that she's Amaya, Princess of Spectris!
Now, I'm not saying that she's definitely telling the truth. But she certainly does know about alot of things - like, for example, the PLANET OF CRYSTARALIGHT!?!?!
I posted a comment on her blog. Now I'm just waiting for her to reply and check out Angels on the Run.

Okay, changing subject entirely:

(You might not know what I'm talking about if you haven't seen Angels on the Run recently. Check out my post there.)
I asked Kyana about the voices in my head. She says that I'm developing a psychic sense. I told her about the voice that was talking about Crystaralight, and she told me what it meant. Actually, it pretty much meant what it SAID. XD
Anyway, I told you that I'd tell you what the voice said, and I think I should tell you now. It said:
" home....I shall reign and you shall never come back!" in a dark voice. Kyana said: "It's Dark Lord Dragana speaking. He's trying to say that he doesn't ever want us to go back to Crystaralight, because he's reigning." At this point, Star overheard us and burst into tears.
What's up with all the crying recently? XD


I'm really confused, and I'm actually kinda scared!!
I mean, an EVIL could have got her or something!
If anyone finds her, or finds a different blog with her in, please, PLEASE tell us and give us the link! We all miss them so much!!
I'm so so SO worried! I hope it wasn't my fault! Or Kyana's! We didn't mean to upset them. I'm actually crying right now...crying whilst flying is not good. It slows you down.
So please, please everyone, keep an eye out for Aura and her blog. (If she DOES have a blog.) Andrea's crying her eyes out too. And that's totally not like her.
I'll post later,
Chrissie xx (Can't be bothered to put my strawberry colours)

Sunday 11 November 2007

Can't be bothered to type it all up!

I can't be bothered to type my explaination up......
So look on Angels on the Run or Tales of Pyrite and Earth. And then you'll see the whole story! w00t!
I am soooo bored. Has anyone got any ideas on how to make this blog look cooler?

Chrissie xx

Saturday 10 November 2007

Angry, hurt, and confused

I really don't feel like being chipper at the moment.
Why? Because I found out that my 'sister' Renee is actually Aura pretending.
Of course, the note that we got was real. But Renee's blog and all her online stuff is just Aura pretending.
So don't expect me to be my normal self tonight. Tomorrow I might've cheered up a bit. We're still on our way to the North Pole, because the real note said that we should meet Renee there. But we don't know where on Arctica Renee is.
Well....I better stop this post now. It's depressing. -_-

Your sad and crying girl,
Chrissie. (I know. I'm not in the mood for doing my usual strawberry-coloured signature.)

Could've been better.....a long time to go!

Well, this is going WORSE than worse. If that's possible.
I mean, what's more annoying than flying high in the sky trying to get to the North Pole in the heavy wind and rain?
Answer: Flying high in the sky trying to get to the North Pole in the heavy wind and rain with an injured six-year-old and a young girl called Chrissie throwing up all over the town.
I know. Gail was shouting to Skye and she caught her leg on a tree, so now she's twisted her ankle. And I got overwhelmed with nerves and started puking in mid-air. And please don't ask me whether it hit anything - I really don't like to think about it. Gee, I hope there was no-one standing directly under us. XDD
Anyway, Star says that we'll probably be there in about five days if we have some breaks. So, there's the rest of today and tonight plus four more days and nights (flying super-fast) 'till we get to the North Pole. Yup. That's where we're going. We need to jump into the Northern Lights and we'll be transported to Arctica.
GAAH, this is SO annoying. I want to get there as soon as possible. Gail, PLEASE get Star to heal you quickly!
....Uhm. XD. She just said, "If you're so eager to get going again, why don't YOU heal me?!" I feel awkward.
Well, we better heal Gail, get me some tablets and start flying again. Renee, I hope you don't get impatient! We're on our way!!
Chrissie xx

Friday 9 November 2007

It looks like we're going to Arctica tomorrow!

I do feel nervous. I know. It's strange.
Actually, I think the main reason I feel nervous is because Renee's nervous too. She posted at her blog that she's worried if she'll be good big-sister material or not.
But even though I feel nervous, I'm really looking forward to it. It seems like the orphanage lied to me after all. I really DO have a big sister, and now I'm sure of it - I've seen her blog.
Apparently, everyone's coming with me. But I've been thinking....Dan and Kyana seem a little tense. I suppose it's because Arctica used to be a part of Thunderia, and Arctica's on Marinaqua...but why don't they want to go back there?
But anyway, do you like my new blog layout? I love it! I'm gonna be experimenting with different templates and stuffz, okay? So if you suddenly come on here and it's really weird and different, don't ask me why. Because I already told you ^^
Okay, so, I REALLY better get off Star's laptop now. But if I badger Arella, maybe she'll let me go on her's....EEK! It's worth a shot! Okayz, see ya for now! I might be back on in a sec!
Chrissie xx

Thursday 8 November 2007


I can't believe it - this is SO cool! I got a note in my sleeping place yesterday morning, saying 'Meet me in Artica. Your big sister, Renee' or something like that. I HAVE A SISTER?!?! And we're going back to ARTICA?!?!
The last time I went to Artica was when I was seven and I'd just run away from the orphanage. I didn't know where to go, so I just went back home. Of course, I was already cold, so the temperature REALLY didn't make me feel any better.
My Earth parents are dead, and I don't know about my real parents. My memory's, darn it, I hate trying to remember stuff! When I went to Artica, I don't think I saw them. I really don't know if they're alive. I hope they are though. :(
So, at the moment, we're all trying to schedule a time to go and meet Renee. The others haven't said anything about who's going. I hope everyone comes with me. I'd get scared if I was the only one!!
See ya for now,
Chrissie xx

P.S. Sorry I didn't post yesterday - we were all too freaked out by the note!

Monday 5 November 2007

Pic Note

Can I just say, about the pic of me, my hair isn't really that dark. That was when my camera went all crazy. XDD. Everything turned out darker than usual.
My actual hair is so blonde it's almost white. I have crystal-turquoise eyes. And I have pale skin. Yah. Just so you know that. XDDD ^^

Fights, flying and fast food fantasies

Last night was just....bad. And weird. And scary.
I'll tell you the whole story now. And later I'll post it at Angels on the Run.
Okay, so we were in a fast food place (I think it was McDonald's or something) and Star, Gail and Skye had gone to the loo. The rest of us were sitting at one of the tables, and we were like, pigging out. But anyway, suddenly Tara heard some screaming from the loos and she thought it was Gail, so she ran off, and Arella followed. I just sat there, being pelted with chicken nuggets by Aden. And then Rose heard more screaming, so she went off with Tara and Arella too. And I followed. Hey, what can I say? I'm a curious kinda girl.
The scene in the loo was a nightmare. There was a huge hole in the ceiling and Star, Gail and Skye had transformed. Four Erasers were standing in front of them. Obviously, me and Tara and Arella transformed as well.
So it was all, punch-punch-kick-slap-KAPOW and using our powers. And I guess all the others heard the noise, because they came into the b-room too and started fighting. And we managed to kill one Eraser. We flew up through the roof and the Erasers were like, "GAAAAAAAAH!" XDDD.
We flew around the sky for a while and then went back into McDonalds. The Erasers had gone. So we went back to our table and ate the rest of our meal. ^^
What a WaCkY day!!
Chrissie xx

Sunday 4 November 2007

Meeting Star and the Flock

OMG!! It was so fun! When we saw eachother, we were just completely silent. And then my stupid motor-mouth went driving off, screaming "OMGTHANKGOODNESSYOU'REREALNOTEVIL!" and stuff. And then there was the grand 'meeting ze people' thing. They're all really nice! Me and Tara and Arella get along really well - I guess it's because we all love talking and stuff. Star's really kind. Everyone's really really cool, but Aden really gets on my nerves sometimes. XDD he just joined in with the fudge chase that me and Star are playing - and we can't get our fudge back. Waaah!
Well, I better go eat that fudge before Aden and Star do! This has been the best day! See ya for now, I'll post tomorrow!!

Chrissie xx


So. I'm meeting Star and the Flock later today.
How many reasons can you think of to be nervous and scared?
I can think of about.....TEN HUNDRED ZILLION!!
Because, I mean, DUH, I only found out about them today.
Reasons I'm worried:
-They might be evil. WOW. Did I just say that? Now, I'm not trying to imply that I think they're creepy eraser-thingies set out to capture me and take my powers!! NuUuU! I'm just saying, I've never met them before and they might not be who I think they are.
-They might not like me. Okay, being this kinda girl, I think that first impressions count. Whaaat? NOOO, I'm not shallow! But I'd hate it if they thought I was weird or horrible or something!
-They might not turn up. Okay, that would be REALLY bad. I'd HATE for that to happen. Because then, I'd have to schedule another meeting. XDDD kidding!! No, the real reason that I'd hate for them not to turn up is because I'm a really sensitive person. I get disappointed easily. I know it sounds self-centered (or does it? GAAH) but I hate it when I feel sad. Well actually, doesn't everyone? Okay. I suffered tense in understandibility in that sentance. Pweeze forgive me. XDDD I love that quote.
Alright, this is gonna get REALLY boring for you guys if I keep on droning, so I guess all the other nine-hundred-and-97-zillion reasons will have to wait till later. Or maybe...nawt. XDD. I really don't wanna bore you.
But anyway. Let's get back to writing on and on about my everyday-uh-maybe-not-everyday life. Well, actually, if you think about it, it IS everyday. Huh? OOOOOHMYGAAAAWD I'M SO SORR-EEEEE!! I'm really bad at explaining stuff! EEEEK!
Okay, I give up on this post!! XDDD I bet everyone's getting tired of reading it anyway!
Well, see ya later. Wish me luck in meeting the Flock...I'm so excited!!

Chrissie xx

So weird

This is soooo weird. I mean, I was just surfing Blogger and I found this totally cool blog with magical angel me! OMG!
I told them to meet me here at New Jersey. This laptop sucks....I guess I'll have to chuck it out. But, like, I don't have any money to get a new one. XDDD
Well, I can't wait till I meet them!

Chrissie xx