Friday 9 November 2007

It looks like we're going to Arctica tomorrow!

I do feel nervous. I know. It's strange.
Actually, I think the main reason I feel nervous is because Renee's nervous too. She posted at her blog that she's worried if she'll be good big-sister material or not.
But even though I feel nervous, I'm really looking forward to it. It seems like the orphanage lied to me after all. I really DO have a big sister, and now I'm sure of it - I've seen her blog.
Apparently, everyone's coming with me. But I've been thinking....Dan and Kyana seem a little tense. I suppose it's because Arctica used to be a part of Thunderia, and Arctica's on Marinaqua...but why don't they want to go back there?
But anyway, do you like my new blog layout? I love it! I'm gonna be experimenting with different templates and stuffz, okay? So if you suddenly come on here and it's really weird and different, don't ask me why. Because I already told you ^^
Okay, so, I REALLY better get off Star's laptop now. But if I badger Arella, maybe she'll let me go on her's....EEK! It's worth a shot! Okayz, see ya for now! I might be back on in a sec!
Chrissie xx

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