Sunday 4 November 2007

Meeting Star and the Flock

OMG!! It was so fun! When we saw eachother, we were just completely silent. And then my stupid motor-mouth went driving off, screaming "OMGTHANKGOODNESSYOU'REREALNOTEVIL!" and stuff. And then there was the grand 'meeting ze people' thing. They're all really nice! Me and Tara and Arella get along really well - I guess it's because we all love talking and stuff. Star's really kind. Everyone's really really cool, but Aden really gets on my nerves sometimes. XDD he just joined in with the fudge chase that me and Star are playing - and we can't get our fudge back. Waaah!
Well, I better go eat that fudge before Aden and Star do! This has been the best day! See ya for now, I'll post tomorrow!!

Chrissie xx

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