Monday 5 November 2007

Fights, flying and fast food fantasies

Last night was just....bad. And weird. And scary.
I'll tell you the whole story now. And later I'll post it at Angels on the Run.
Okay, so we were in a fast food place (I think it was McDonald's or something) and Star, Gail and Skye had gone to the loo. The rest of us were sitting at one of the tables, and we were like, pigging out. But anyway, suddenly Tara heard some screaming from the loos and she thought it was Gail, so she ran off, and Arella followed. I just sat there, being pelted with chicken nuggets by Aden. And then Rose heard more screaming, so she went off with Tara and Arella too. And I followed. Hey, what can I say? I'm a curious kinda girl.
The scene in the loo was a nightmare. There was a huge hole in the ceiling and Star, Gail and Skye had transformed. Four Erasers were standing in front of them. Obviously, me and Tara and Arella transformed as well.
So it was all, punch-punch-kick-slap-KAPOW and using our powers. And I guess all the others heard the noise, because they came into the b-room too and started fighting. And we managed to kill one Eraser. We flew up through the roof and the Erasers were like, "GAAAAAAAAH!" XDDD.
We flew around the sky for a while and then went back into McDonalds. The Erasers had gone. So we went back to our table and ate the rest of our meal. ^^
What a WaCkY day!!
Chrissie xx


Star said...

Not exactly how I remembers it, but okay. And I respect your loo-using a british words and spelling. (still not used to the it's not that bad, it's cute)
And the wolf-men were creepy, and ulguy, and it was your first time. But you'll get used to them. Hopefully they won't come back soon.

Chrissie said...

XD. Sometimes my imagination twists things....Lol. Was it you and Skye and Gail who went to the b-room, or was it you and Rose and Gail? ^^

Star said...

Gail wanted someone big to go to the bathroom with her. Skye was too tierd. I volunteered, and I said that someone would have to accopamy me to make sure the little girl didn't deside to do anything. lol. Funny reasons. Bad turn outs.